City of Los Angeles/Palisades Fire Recovery Information & Resources
In the city of Los Angeles, Pacific Palisades and surrounding communities are experiencing devastating impacts from the destructive and deadly Palisades Fire. To assist residents in finding the help and support they need now and in the long recovery period ahead, we have put together this information in response to frequently asked questions, including referrals to key resources offered by both the County and city of Los Angeles.
Updates will be added as new information becomes available.
The County’s recovery website offers centralized, up-to-date information on County resources available to all residents at: recovery.lacounty.gov, including frequently asked questions: Preparing to Return to Your Property After the Fires: Frequently Asked Question – LA County Recovers
The city of Los Angeles’ recovery website offers centralized, up-to-date information on Los Angeles resources available for residents impacted by the Palisades Fire and living in the city of Los Angeles here: Home | Emergency Management Department.
Both websites provide answers to questions about when you will be able to return to your property and the work that is being done to make sure your community is safe before you return, as well as guidance for re-entering fire-impacted communities once it is safe to do so.
The work going on now includes:
- Urban Search and Rescue Teams, including K9 units, are actively searching the area for potential human remains to ensure no individuals are unaccounted for. Search efforts are thorough and deliberate, ensuring accuracy and sensitivity during recovery operations.
- Destruction in these areas is truly unprecedented, and Angelenos’ safety is the top priority as severe environmental hazards are mitigated and addressed. The Environmental Protection Agency began assessing hazardous materials in the burn area on Thursday, January 16 and will continue its assessments in the coming days.
- LADWP is working with Unified Command, fire safety and law enforcement leaders to ensure it is safe to restore power to fire impacted customers. Once it is determined to be safe, LADWP will re-energize circuits to restore power to customers in the areas with residential re-entry.
- Firefighters continue to monitor the area to ensure that embers and sparks don’t ignite new fires in the surrounding areas.
Check your evacuation status
State, County and local officials overseeing this incident are beginning to identify zones within the evacuation area where residents can return to their homes based on environmental, health and safety standards.
Please visit the County’s emergency website to find the latest information on evacuation orders and a map of the affected areas: lacounty.gov/emergency.
The city’s evacuation map includes details on water safety alerts and road closures: LA Wildfire Recovery Resources 2025 | Emergency Management Department
Even in areas that have not burned there can be potential hazards such as unstable hillsides that may pose a threat to people in the area. These areas may also be currently uninhabitable due to damage to utilities such as water and gas.
We are unable to provide escorts to areas under evacuation as that would require an unsustainable dedication of limited resources needed to keep the area safe. Vital goods to support peoples’ needs are accessible at the Disaster Recovery Center and Evacuation Shelters.
You can find the latest information on whether it is safe to return to your property here: Palisades Fire Re-Entry Information | Emergency Management Department.
For alerts specific to your address, visit protect.genasys.com.
Check status of your property
Find the status of your home on this preliminary damage assessment map, which is being updated daily as inspections continue: recovery.lacounty.gov/palisades-fire.
We know it is frustrating not to be able to return home, even for 15 minutes, to grab some treasured items or look for your lost pet, but many dangers remain.
What Needs to Happen Before You Can Return to Your Property?
Los Angeles County, along with local, state, and federal partners, is working tirelessly to ensure areas affected by the Palisades Fire are safe for residents to return. Here’s what must happen before your community is ready for repopulation:
- Fire hot spots must be fully extinguished.
- Urban Search and Rescue operations need to be completed.
- Roads must be cleared of hazards, such as downed power lines, fallen trees and broken glass.
- Streets and road infrastructure must be repaired and deemed safe for travel.
- Utilities, including water, electricity, gas and sewer systems, must be inspected to ensure they are safe.
- Homes and other structures must be evaluated for fire damage, structural weaknesses and potential for collapse:
- A Red-Tagged building means it is unsafe and cannot be entered.
- A Yellow-Tagged building means some areas may be safe but only for limited use or specific purposes.
Visit a Disaster Recovery Center
Disaster Recovery Centers are open to the public from 9:00 AM to 8:00 PM every day. Residents can speak with representatives from County, State, and federal agencies to access a range of resources and services to help with the recovery process.
Residents can also get help applying for federal assistance, receive updates on their FEMA application for assistance and learn about the appeals process. FEMA financial assistance may include money for basic home repairs, personal property losses or other uninsured, disaster-related needs such as childcare, transportation, medical needs, funeral, or dental expenses. It is not necessary to go to a center to apply for FEMA assistance. The fastest way to apply is online at DisasterAssistance.gov or by calling 1-800-621-3362.
The Disaster Recovery Center serving all residents affected by the Palisades Fire is located at:
Westside Location:
UCLA Research Park West
10850 Pico Blvd,
Los Angeles, CA 90064
Find missing people
The Red Cross can help with finding a missing friend or loved one.
Please complete the Inquiry Form or call (800) RED-CROSS or (800) 733-2767.
Where to collect your mail
Operations at the Topanga Post Office, located at 101 S Topanga Canyon Blvd., Topanga, CA 90290-9998, have resumed retail services and mail delivery (delivery limited to accessible areas).
If you received your mail from the Pacific Palisades Post Office, the US Postal Service has reported that your mail will be re-routed to the Rancho Park Post Office located at:
Rancho Park Post Office
11270 Exposition Blvd Floor 1
Los Angeles, CA 90064-9998
Mon – Fri: 9 am – 5 pm
Sat: 9 am – 4 pm
If you received your mail from the La Costa Malibu Station, the US Postal Service has reported that your mail will be re-routed to the Malibu Post Office located at:
Malibu Post Office
23838 Pacific Coast Highway
Malibu, CA 90265-9994
Mon – Fri: 9 am – 5 pm
Sat: 9:30 am – 1:30 pm
Additional information about forwarding mail to a temporary location and other services can be found at: usps.com or by calling (800) 275-8777.
For more information about returning after a fire, please click here.
Recovering vital records
Los Angeles County residents directly impacted by fires can request property and vital records free of charge to help with recovery efforts from the Los Angeles County Registrar-Recorder/County Clerk’s Office. If you have been impacted, please call 800-201-8999 and select Option 1, followed by Option 2, or email your request with specific information to recorder@rrcc.lacounty.gov. Read an FAQ here.
Get help for animals
Access is only allowed for residents into areas deemed safe by incident command. If you have lost a pet due to the wildfires, please call the Los Angeles Fire Evacuation Animal Services Hotline at 213-270-8155. You will be prompted to answer key questions about your pet, its possible location, and its needs. A care team made of LA Animal Services staff and LAPD officers will receive your request and provide assistance. You will be notified once the care team has visited the property.
Learn more at laanimalservices.com/palisades-fire or Los Angeles County Animal Care.
If you have lost or found a pet, the City and County of Los Angeles Animal Shelters are partnering with Petco Love Lost, a free national lost-and-found pet database, to help reunite pets with their families. By uploading a photo of your lost or found pet to Petco Love Lost, you can increase the chances of a successful reunion. You may also view LA Animal Services’ Lost Pet Search page and Los Angeles Animal Care and Control’s Lost Pet page.
Help for workers and small businesses
An emergency resources webpage has launched to support workers and businesses affected by the wildfires. It serves as a comprehensive resource center, offering assistance and the latest information to help businesses and workers through the recovery and rebuilding process.
To learn more, visit LA County Emergency Resources for Workers and Businesses.
Reporting a downed tree or other hazards
Los Angeles city residents can report downed trees by visiting: Tree emergency or calling 311.
County residents can report problems such as downed trees and other hazards at: Report a Problem – LA County Public Works
For urgent County requests, please call 800-675-4357.
Consumer protections
Price gouging during a state of emergency is illegal. This means that businesses cannot increase the price of food, repairs, construction, housing, emergency and medical supplies, or gasoline more than 10% for 30 days after the emergency declaration issued on January 7. This also includes rent increases, as well as hikes in hotel and motel prices for evacuees who are seeking emergency housing. To learn more, visit dcba.lacounty.gov/pricegouging/.
If you believe you have been improperly overcharged for goods, services, or housing, keep your records and receipts.
Here’s how to file a price gouging complaint:
- Online: Online Complaint Reporting Tool
- Phone: 800-593-8222
- Email: complaints@dcba.lacounty.gov
Residents impacted by wildfires served by investor-owned utilities regulated by the California Public Utilities Commission have certain consumer protections in place:
Electric and Natural Gas Utility Service and Billing:
LADWP customers can report and track power and water outages here:
Outages | Los Angeles Department of Water and Power
- Disconnections: Wildfire-impacted customers cannot be disconnected for nonpayment and associated fees.
- Discontinue Billing: Utilities must discontinue billing customers whose properties are not capable of receiving utility services, and utilities cannot assess a disconnection charge.
- SoCalGas states on their website that customers who have had their natural gas service temporarily turned off for safety reasons will not be billed for service during this temporary outage. Please visit the SoCalGas Emergency Disaster Relief webpage to learn more.
- The Los Angeles Department of Water and Power and Southern California Edison have paused billing for customers in areas affected by the fires. You can check current outages by contacting your local power provider or visiting their website:
- Los Angeles Department of Water and Power or call 1-800-342-5397
- Southern California Edison’s Disaster Support or call 1-800-250-7339.
- Waive Deposits: Utilities must waive deposit requirements for affected residents seeking to re-establish service for one year and must expedite move-in and move-out service requests.
- Estimated Billing: Utilities must stop energy usage estimates for billing for the time the property/unit was unoccupied as a result of the wildfires.
- Payment Plans: Affected customers who have prior arrearages and have lost their properties or have been displaced and are seeking to establish service in a new residence must be offered a payment plan with an initial payment of no greater than 20% of the amount due, and with equal installments for the remainder of not less than 12 billing cycles.
- Minimum Bills: Utilities must prorate any monthly access charge or minimum charges for affected customers typically assessed so that no customer will bear any of these costs for the time period after the customer’s property was rendered unserviceable by a fire.
Water and Sewer Utility Bills:
- Unpaid Bills: Water companies must work cooperatively with affected customers to resolve unpaid bills and minimize disconnections for nonpayment.
- Waive Reconnection and Facilities Fees: Water companies must waive reconnection or facilities fees for affected customers and suspend deposits for affected customers who must reconnect to the system.
- Payment Plans: Water companies must provide reasonable payment options to affected customers.
- Bill Waiver: Water companies must waive bills for victims who lost their homes.
To learn more, visit ladwp.com.
Landline Telephone Bills:
AT&T California, Frontier Communications, Consolidated and other carriers of last resort are required to provide refunds for failure to provide service. Landline providers are required to:
- Waive the one-time activation fee for establishing remote call forwarding, remote access to call forwarding, call forwarding features and messaging services.
- Waive the monthly rate for one month for remote call forwarding, remote access to call forwarding, call forwarding, call forwarding features, and messaging services.
- Waive the service charge for installation of service at the temporary or new permanent home of the customer and again when the customer moves back to the premises.
- Waive the fee for one jack and associated wiring at the temporary location regardless of whether the customer has an Inside Wire Plan.
- Waive the fee for up to five free jacks and associated wiring for Inside Wiring Plan customer upon their return to their permanent home.
- Waive the fee for one jack and associated wiring for non-Plan customers upon their return to their permanent home.
Rebuilding resources
The County and city of Los Angeles are committed to a streamlined rebuilding process. Governor Newsom has cleared the way by issuing an executive order suspending environmental regulations under CEQA, and the Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors is committed to eliminating as much red tape as possible to get your community rebuilt. Mayor Karen Bass also issued a sweeping order to create a one-stop shop to swiftly issue permits to rebuild in all fire affected areas in the city of Los Angeles. The State, County and city of Los Angeles have all declared emergencies to further expedite rebuilding and recovery.
Information on city plans, permits and inspections can be found here: EPIC-LA (for plans and permits)
Information on County Planning resources and planning, as well as property records, can be found here:
Emotional support
If you’re looking for someone to talk to for emotional support, please call the Department of Mental Health’s 24/7 Helpline at: (800) 854-7771.
Boys & Girls Club Mental Health Support Services
- Call 310-457-6801 ext 74141 or email wellnessinfo@bgcmalibu.org.
Mortgage relief
Homeowners must keep making mortgage payments after a wildfire. However, you may be able to qualify for forbearance relief. Call your mortgage lender for more information.
Get referrals over the phone or online from a live operator
- If you want to talk to live operator who can answer your call 24/7, please dial 2-1-1. These operators can refer you to most services available to you whether it involves housing resources, food assistance and food banks, health needs, disability services, transportation, employment, or other challenges you are facing. You can also search their website at: 211la.org/resources.
- For services specific to the city of Los Angeles, including sanitation services, street lighting, downed trees and damaged infrastructure, please dial 311 or access request forms and additional information at My 311. These operators can refer you 24/7 to the services you need.
Help with prescriptions
Medication Access Assistance Service
- Public Health is providing medication access assistance service at each of the Disaster Recovery Centers. Nurses at the sites will assist families with information, education and referrals for clinical health concerns, including getting access to medications for those who lost their medications in the fire by helping them connect with their pharmacy or their usual provider. If refills are unavailable or they face challenges in connecting, the nurses at each site will connect with physicians and pharmacists in the DPH telehealth service to provide new prescriptions to bridge families until they are able to connect with their primary care provider again. For patients needing medication assisted treatment for opioid addiction, the MAT Consultation Line (213-288-9090) is able to offer these prescriptions and operates 7 days per week from 8am – midnight.
Additional Guidance and Resources for Medication Assistance
- People should call their regular pharmacy or, if not open, another location of the same chain, if possible;
- LA Care and Health Net have set up call lines for their members and DHCS has asked all health plans to ensure access so residents can also try calling their insurer;
- Teladoc Health is offering free, 24/7 virtual medical care by calling 855-225-5032. Services include treatment for conditions such as respiratory infections, allergies, sinus problems and cold or flu symptoms, company officials said. Additionally, Teladoc Health is providing assistance with prescription refills for non-narcotic medications. Click here to learn more.
- GoodRx is offering free online healthcare provider visits. Angelenos can use the code LA-GOODRX-CARE to be seen by a licensed medical provider on GoodRx Care for a variety of conditions including help with medication refills; for more information, visit goodrx.com/care. All insurance plans have been instructed to suspend prescription refill limitations and allow impacted members to refill their prescriptions at out-of-network pharmacies at the usual in-network cost-sharing rates. The plan will also permit impacted members to obtain new prescriptions at out-of-network pharmacies.
For additional information, click here.
Help with property taxes
You may be eligible for tax relief if your property is damaged or destroyed by a calamity, such as fire or flooding. To qualify, you must file an Application for Reassessment: Property Damaged or Destroyed by Misfortune or Calamity (M&C) Form ADS-820 with the Assessor’s Office within 12 months from the date the property was damaged or destroyed. The loss must exceed $10,000 of current market value. For questions or to submit an M&C claim, please call 213-974-8658.
Emergency housing
211LA has partnered with both Airbnb and Hilton to help provide free, emergency housing and vouchers to people who’ve been displaced. Please fill out this housing assistance form to apply for both programs: intake form. Residents who have already applied through 211 LA do not to need to fill out another application.
Tenant rights
Under California Law, if a rental unit is completely destroyed, the lease/rental agreement no longer applies. You are no longer required to pay rent, and the landlord is no longer required to provide housing or relocation assistance. The landlord must return any prepaid rent and refund the security deposit in accordance with California law.
If a rental unit is partially destroyed, and can’t be lived in, the tenant may choose to end or continue the lease/rental agreement, depending on the circumstances and condition of the rental property. If your rental unit has some damage but is still livable, you must continue to pay rent.
To learn more, visit LA County Department of Consumer and Business Affairs: Information for Landlords and Tenants.
Southern California Edison (SCE)
- Check Outage Status
- Visit https://www.sce.com/ or call 1-800-611-1911
SoCal Gas
- SoCalGas representatives will be staffing a community information booth from 10 a.m.-4 p.m. at the Pavilions located at 29211 Heathercliff Road in Malibu. There, customers can get information about restoration efforts, accounts and billing
- Customer Guidance:
- Customers should not attempt to restore gas service on their own. SoCalGas crews will assist with service restorations.
- Restoring service requires an in-home safety check, and an adult must be present. Please allow access to SoCalGas personnel to gas meters to expedite the restoration of gas service.
- For information or to report a gas leak, contact SoCalGas at 1-800-427-2200, available 24/7.
Water Utilities
- LA County Waterworks District No. 29:
- Do Not Drink Water Advisory: The Los Angeles County Waterworks District No. 29 (LACWD) and the State Water Resources Control Board – Division of Drinking Water have issued a mandatory DO NOT DRINK ORDER for the eastern portion of the City of Malibu up to and including Carbon Canyon and the community of Saddle Peak in Topanga due to potential of fire-related contaminants that may have entered the water system. Affected customers are urged not to drink or cook with the tap water until further notice.
- Bottled Water Distribution: 23533 West Civic Center Way, Malibu CA 90265, 10:00 AM – 6:00 PM.
- Call LACWD customer service at (800) 675-4357 or the State Water Resources Control Board at (818) 551-2004 (business hours) or (213) 210-7100 (after hours).
- T-Mobile
- Most sites restored.
- Visit https://www.t-mobile.com/news/network/t-mobile-stands-prepared-as-wildfires-impact-southern-california or call 1-800-937-8997 for more info.
- AT&T
- All major network facilities remain online with some running backup power. Mobility teams continue to dispatch where it is safe to do so; however, fire areas and evacuation zones will not be accessible until conditions improve.
- Visit https://www.att.com/local/california/malibu or call 1-800-331-0500 for more info.
- Verizon
- Generators on cell towers at Civic Center to support Incident Command Center.
- Visit https://www.verizon.com/ or call 1-800-922-0204 for more info.
- Spectrum
- Internet service has been fully restored west of Carbon Beach Terrace. Personnel working on restoring any remaining impacted areas.
- Visit https://www.spectrum.com/ or call 1-833-949-0036 for more info.
Trash collection
- As you return home: Burn debris cannot be placed in any trash containers. LA County is working with the City on a debris removal plan. Contact the Debris Removal Hotline at (844) 347-3332 (Mon. – Fri. 7 a.m. – 7 p.m. & Sat. 8 a.m. – 6 p.m.).
- Universal Waste Systems (UWS)
- Resumed normal operations. To modify service, visit: https://www.uwscompany.com/malibu/
- UWS will collect large household items and electronics at no charge. All household trash and food waste can be placed in any available containers. UWS will sort the materials at their facility.
- For more info, call UWS at 1-800-631-7016 (Monday through Friday from 7 a.m.-5 p.m. and Saturday from 7 a.m.-12 p.m.) or email info@uwscompany.com.
- Waste Management (WM)
- Resumed normal operations. For more information, visit https://www.wm.com/us/en/location/ca/malibu/trash-pickup-malibu-ca or call 1-805-522-9400 for more info.
School Districts
- Visit https://www.lausd.org/schoolupdates or call 213-241-1000 for more info.
Santa Monica/Malibu
- Visit Community Services & Resources for Wildfire Victims, Jan. 2025 or call 310-450-8338 for more info.
Boys & Girls Club of Malibu
- The Boys & Girls Club of Malibu (BGCM) has re-established BGCM Emergency Relief Fund, to help community members recover and rebuild in the aftermath of the Palisades Fire.
- Victims of the Palisades Fire who have experienced home loss, displacement, or job loss qualify for aid. Priority is given to families and individuals in the greatest need.
- Email emergencyrelief@bgcmalibu.org for relief assistance or general inquiries
Additional Assistance
Red Cross
- Get help: https://www.redcross.org/get-help.html
- Financial Services: https://www.redcross.org/about-us/our-work/disaster-relief/wildfire-relief/california-wildfires-financial-assistance.html
Malibu Foundation Assistance:
- The Malibu Foundation is assisting our residents with their Wildfire Housing Hotline. Community Members in need of housing after the fires, can be connected with real estate professionals who have immediate rental options available—whether short-term, long-term, or off-market. Call 424-484-2372