Para obtener información en español, haga clic aquí.

FEMA Assistance is available for residents impacted by LA County wildfires

How to Apply

There are three ways to apply:

1. Online at

If you have access to the internet and your electronic devices have power, applying online is easiest, fastest, and most convenient.

2. On the FEMA App for mobile devices

3. The FEMA Helpline at 1-800-621-3362

Calls are accepted every day from 4 a.m. to 10 p.m. PST. Help is available in most languages. If you use a relay service such as video relay, captioned telephone, or other service, give FEMA the number for that service.

4. At a Disaster Recovery Center

LA County survivors who have damage to their home, personal property, or disaster-caused emergency needs due to the wildfires can get in-person assistance at a Disaster Recovery Center. At DRCs, survivors can get help applying for federal assistance, speak to representatives from state and federal agencies, receive updates on the FEMA application for assistance and learn about the appeals process.

Misfortune and Calamity Tax Relief

You may be eligible for tax relief if your property is damaged or destroyed by a calamity, such as fire or flooding. To qualify, you must file an Application for Reassessment: Property Damaged or Destroyed by Misfortune or Calamity (M&C) Form ADS-820 with the Assessor’s Office within 12 months from the date the property was damaged or destroyed. The loss must exceed $10,000 of current market value.

For questions or to submit an M&C claim, please call (213) 974-8658.

Los Angeles County Department of Aging and Disabilities

Provides information and supportive services to older and disabled adults.

1 (800) 510-2020


8:00 AM to 5:00 PM

Los Angeles County Department of Animal Care and Control

Animal rescue for animals plus food, shelter, and boarding

Los Angeles County Department of Arts and Culture

Wildfire Resources for the arts and creative sector, click here.

The Department of Arts and Culture is hosting the webinar for or artists, creative workers, arts organizations, and creative small businesses. “LA County: Wildfire Response and Resources” is on Feb. 4, 9:30 am. Register here.

Los Angeles County Department of Assessor’s Office

Property owners may be eligible for tax relief if their property is damaged or destroyed by a calamity, such as fire or flooding. To qualify, individuals must file an Application for Reassessment: Property Damaged or Destroyed by Misfortune or Calamity with the Assessor’s Office within 12 months from the date the property was damaged or destroyed.

(213) 974-8658

Monday – Friday

8:00am – 5:00pm

Los Angeles County Department of Child Support Services

Can assist participants with child support obligations for those who lost their source of income because of the fire.

(866) 901-3212

Monday – Friday

8:00am – 5:00pm

Los Angeles County Department of Consumer and Business Affairs

The Department of Consumer and Business Affairs serves consumers, tenants and landlords, homeowners businesses, and communities.

During a declared disaster, the Department of Consumer and Business Affairs (DCBA) stands ready to protect residents from unfair business practices, including price gouging and scams. By educating the public and enforcing regulations, DCBA helps prevent fraud and excessive price hikes that exploit vulnerable individuals.

Price gouging laws in Los Angeles County prohibit businesses from raising the price of goods, services, and rental units by more than 10% during a declared emergency.

Helpful Resources

Price Gouging PSA

L.A. County Disaster Preparedness and Recovery Resources

Online Complaint Reporting Tool

Other DCBA Services

DCBA also provides help with housing and tenant protections, worker protections, small claims, mediation, immigration, financial empowerment, and cannabis management.


Phone: (800) 593-8222

Phone Hours: Monday-Friday, 8 a.m.-4:30 p.m.

Make an appointment for free, one-on-one service with a DCBA counselor by phone.

Make an appointment for in-person service at our Downtown L.A. Office.

Office Locations and Hours:

Downtown LA Headquarters
Hall of Records
320 W. Temple St. Room G-10
Los Angeles, CA 90012
PHONE: 800.593.8222

East Los Angeles County Hall
4801 East Third Street
Los Angeles, CA 90022
Open Monday to Thursday, 8 a.m. to 4 p.m.

Lancaster (Library)
601 West Lancaster Boulevard
Lancaster, CA 93534
Open Thursdays and Fridays, 10 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.

South Whittier Community Resource Center
10750 Laurel Avenue
Whittier, CA 90605
PHONE: 562.946.2425
Open Monday – Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.

Los Angeles County Department of Economic Opportunity

The DEO Office of Small Business hosts a Small Business Concierge helps with information and technical assistance, financial resources, and referrals to partner organizations for programs and services.

The Los Angeles County Department of Economic Opportunity (DEO) provides comprehensive assistance and resources to workers and businesses. Through its network of America’s Job Centers of California (AJCCs), their Office of Small Business (OSB), and partners DEO offers a range of resources to address urgent needs and foster long-term recovery.

Impacted small business can access:

  • Direct 1:1 technical assistance
  • Certification and County contracting opportunities
  • Referrals for capital access, including grant programs and low-interest loans, and no cost legal aid for small businesses
  • Connection to job centers for hiring and training services and layoff aversion

Impacted workers can access:

  • Job placement and training
  • Unemployment Insurance (UI) or Disaster Unemployment Assistance (DUA)
  • Healthcare coverage enrollment
  • Connecting to available relief fundin

To access a full list of resources available, visit:

Office of Small Business

(844) 432-4900

4716 E. Cesar E. Chavez, Los Angeles 90022

Monday – Friday

8:00am to 4:30pm

America’s Job Centers

(888) 226-6300

Monday- Friday

8:00am to 5:00pm, or with “Wildfire Impacted” in Subject Line

To find a center visit:

LA County Legal Aid Program for Small Business or call (866) 375-9511

Business to Business Space Share Program

Displaced businesses, including nonprofits, can find available temporary space donated by other businesses throughout LA County by visiting, a free exchange portal launched by DEO.

LA Region Small Business and Worker Relief Funds

Small businesses, nonprofits, and workers affected by the devastating January 2025 windstorm and wildfires can now apply for direct financial relief through the LA Region Small Business and Worker Relief Funds. Applications are open from February 6, 2025, through February 24, 2025. To apply, visit Distribution of funds is set to begin in mid-March. 

Grant awards are contingent on the total funds raised, and all qualified applicants are not guaranteed a grant. For other relief and recovery resources, including loans and grants, please visit DEO’s emergency resource hub.

Los Angeles County Justice Care and Opportunities Department (JCOD)

JCOD contracts for 25 emergency shelter beds available via our call center, these are intended for individuals recently involved in the justice system. More info at

LA County CareConnect
Find essential fire recovery services in one place at, with tools to filter resources by location and specific needs.

Los Angeles County Library

  • Take advantage of free Wi-Fi, public-use computers, and laptops.
  • Pick up educational supplies for kids and teens.
  • Explore our collection of books, materials, and online tools to assist with work, school assignments, or research.
  • Charge phones and devices.
  • Access water fountains and restrooms.
  • Get help from library staff on where to locate forms and hotlines from the Los Angeles County Accessor and FEMA.
  • Find a welcoming space to rest, reflect, and plan your next steps, or simply take a much needed mental health break.

We also encourage you to visit for updates on LA County’s wildfire response efforts and a curated list of emergency resources. Our website provides an updated directory of our library locations that are open and ready to welcome customers. Our Digital Library is available 24/7, offering access to eBooks, audiobooks, and other virtual resources.

Los Angeles County Department of Mental Health

Provides referrals for mental health counseling, grieving, coping, resources, crisis intervention and triage.

(800) 854-7771 or 988 Available 24/7

Los Angeles County Department of Parks and Recreation

To support families impacted by the Eaton fire, LA County Parks Care Camps will provide youth and teens with a supportive space for recreation and fun,

Monday to Friday, January 13 to 31, 2025. For More information:

Los Angeles County Department of Public Health

Provides information on safe cleanup after fire, food safety, public health services, and guidelines for onsite wastewater and private wells following a fire.

Environmental Health

(888) 700-9995

Monday – Friday
8:00am – 5:00pm

Public Health Infoline

(833) 540-0473

Cleanup and Rebuilding after Wildfires

Los Angeles County Department of Public Social Services

Provides disaster assistance to families through the General Relief, CalWorks, CalFresh and MediCal programs.

DPSS Customer Service Center

(866) 613-3777

Monday through Friday

7:30 am to 6:30 pm

IHSS Helpline

(888) 822-9622

Monday through Friday

8:00 am to 5:00 pm

(833) 540-0473

Los Angeles County Department of Public Works


Assistance with rebuilding and permitting process.


 Post fire mud and debris flow information.

Call Public Works 24/7 Dispatch for assistance and referral: 800-675-4357


LA County Public Works is committed to helping residents recover from the devastating wildfires. Learn about the debris removal process, safety requirements, and coordinated efforts to rebuild your community as details become available:

(844) FIRE DEBRIS / (844) 347-3332

Mon-Fri: 7 AM – 7 PM

Sat: 8 AM – 6 PM

(Closed Sun & Holidays)


Services provided to residents and businesses not directly impacted by this incident.

  • List of C&D recycling facilities, Inert waste facilities, and Municipal solid waste facilities
  • List of authorized Commercial Franchise waste haulers
  • List of additional C&D recycling facilities
  • List of HHW and E-Waste events


Los Angeles County Department of Regional Planning

Provides long-range planning, land development counseling, project/case intake and processing, environmental review and zoning enforcement review and zoning for properties in unincorporated LA County.

Monday -Thursday 7:00am- 11:00am

(213) 974-6411

Los Angeles County Department of Registrar / Recorder County Clerk

Access vital records:

Access property records

Los Angeles County Department of Treasurer Tax Collector

Assess eligibility of tax relief if your property is damaged or destroyed by a calamity.

(213) 974-2111

Frequently Asked Questions

The following organizations provide assistance for residents impacted by the fires.

Please check the ENLA website for a full list of organizations who can help with a range of services from immediate needs to long term Recovery.

Emergency Network Los Angeles (ENLA)

Website link: Emergency Network Los Angeles (ENLA)

Access to non-profits aiding residents impacted by disasters.  Services may range from humanitarian relief, planning for disaster response to long-term recovery and assistance programs.

ENLA represents a network of nonprofits that enhances and supports the recovery of communities after an emergency incident.

Greater Los Angeles County American Red Cross
24-hour intake number
(800) 675-5799
So. Cal Division

The Salvation Army
Website link:
(562) 264-3600

Tzu Chi Foundation

United Policy Holders


Esta es una lista de recursos y servicios que los residentes y negocios del condado de Los Ángeles pueden utilizar para comenzar el proceso de recuperación después de los recientes incendios.

Departamento de Envejecimiento y Discapacidades del Condado de Los Ángeles


Proporciona información y servicios de apoyo a adultos mayores y discapacitados. Sitio Web:


(213) 291-0028


8:00am to 5:00pm

Departamento de

Cuidado y Control de Animales

del Condado de Los Ángeles

Rescate de animales, comida, refugio y alojamiento. Sitio Web:
Oficina del Tasador

del Condado de Los Ángeles

Los dueños de propiedades pueden ser elegibles para recibir alivio monetario en los impuestos si su propiedad resulta dañada o destruida por una calamidad, como un incendio o una inundación. Para calificar, las personas deben presentar una Solicitud de Reevaluación: Propiedad dañada o Destruida por desgracia o calamidad ante la Oficina del Tasador dentro de los 12 meses a partir de la fecha en que la propiedad fue dañada o destruida. Sitio Web:


(213) 974-8658


8:00am – 5:00pm


Departamento de Servicios de Manutención Infantil

del Condado de Los Ángeles

Puede ayudar a los participantes con las obligaciones de manutención para aquellos que perdieron su fuente de ingresos debido al incendio. Sitio Web:


(866) 901-3212


7:00am to 5:00pm


Departamento de Asuntos Comerciales y del Consumidor del Condado de Los Ángeles El Departamento del Consumidor y Empresas presta servicios a consumidores, inquilinos y propietarios de viviendas, empresas y comunidades.


Sitio Web:

Our Services – Consumer & Business (

Departamento de Oportunidades Económicas

del Condado de Los Ángeles

La Oficina de Pequeñas Empresas del DEO cuenta con un Conserje para Pequeñas Empresas que ayuda con información y asistencia técnica, recursos financieros y referencias a organizaciones asociadas que ofrecen programas y servicios.


Las pequeñas empresas afectadas pueden acceder apoyo en:


– Presentar reclamaciones de seguros,

– Registrarse para recibir asistencia jurídica gratuita,

–  Solicitar recursos, incluyendo subvenciones y préstamos, oportunidades de contratación local, estatal y federal.


El equipo de desarrollo de la fuerza laboral del DEO se asocia con los 18 Centros de Empleo de California del condado y apoya el Programa de Asistencia Técnica Empresarial.




Sitio Web:



Oficina de Pequeñas Empresas

(844) 432-4900


8:00am to 5:00pm


America’s Job Centers

(888) 226-6300


8:00am to 5:00pm

Departamento de

Salud Mental

del Condado de Los Ángeles

Proporciona referencias y recursos para la salud mental. Incluyendo servicios para afrontar el duelo e intervención en crisis. Sitio Web:


(800) 854-7771 or 988 Available 24/7

Departamento de Salud Pública del Condado de Los Ángeles  

Proporciona información después de un incendio sobre como limpiar de una manera segura, como mantener   alimentos, servicios de salud pública y asesoramiento para aguas residuales y pozos privados.


Sitio Web:


Environmental Health

(888) 700-9995

Monday – Friday
8:00am – 5:00pm


Public Health Infoline

(833) 540-0473


Departamento de Servicios Públicos

del Condado de Los Ángeles

Proporciona asistencia a las familias afectadas por un desastre a través de los programas General Relief, CalWorks, CalFresh y MediCal.  

Sitio Web:


DPSS Customer Service Center

(866) 613-3777


7:30 am to 6:30 pm


IHSS Helpline

(888) 822-9622


8:00 am to 5:00 pm


Departamento de Obras Publicas

del Condado de Los Ángeles



Asistencia con el proceso de reconstrucción y permisos.


Sitio Web:
Los Angeles County Building and Safety (
Departamento de Obras Publicas

del Condado de Los Ángeles



Servicios de recuperación brindados a los residentes y negocios en las áreas no incorporadas del Condado afectados por este incidente.


• Lista de instalaciones de reciclaje de C&D, instalaciones de residuos inertes e instalaciones de residuos sólidos municipales

• Listado de transportistas de la Franquicia Comercial autorizados a mover residuos

• Lista de instalaciones adicionales de reciclaje de C&D

• Lista de eventos de HHW y E-Waste

Sitio Web: 








Departamento de Planificación Regional

del Condado de Los Ángeles

Proporciona planificación a largo plazo, asesoramiento sobre desarrollo de terrenos, admisión y procesamiento de aplicaciones para desarollo, evaluación ambiental y revisión del cumplimiento de la zonificación y zonificación para propiedades en areas no incorporadas del Condado de Los Ángeles. Sitio Web:



7:00am- 11:00am

(213) 974-6411

Tesorero y Recaudor de Impuestos

del Condado de Los Ángeles

Evalúa la elegibilidad para alivio fiscal en sus impuestos si su propiedad resulta dañada o destruida por una calamidad.  

Sitio Web:


(213) 974-2111




Las siguientes agencias también apoyan las necesidades de los residentes.

y negocios afectados por los incendios

211 Los Angeles County Para asistencia con servicios adicionales que no se encuentran en esta lista, marque 2-1-1. Sitio Web:


Marque: 2-1-1


Disponible 24 horas al día, 7 días a la semana

Estado de California

Franchise Tax Board

La Franchise Tax Board (FTB) brinda orientación para obtener alivio fiscal debido a pérdidas causadas por un desastre. Sitio Web:



(800) 852-5711


(800) 822-6268

Estado de California

Junta Estatal de Licencias de Contratistas

La Junta Estatal de Licencias de Contratistas (CSLB) verifica las licencias de los contratistas, investiga quejas y proporciona información sobre la contratación de un contratista autorizado. Sitio Web:




(800) 962-1125


(800) 321-CSLB (2752)


Disponible 24 horas al día, 7 días a la semana

Estado de California

Departamento de Seguros

El Departamento de Seguros brinda asistencia en cuestiones de seguros, tales como demoras en el manejo de reclamos, gastos personales adicionales causados por el desastre, disputas sobre coberturas insuficientes, disponibilidad, etc.


El Comisionado de Seguros quiere que el proceso de reclamación avance lo más fluido y rápido posible e investigar problemas de coberturas insuficientes.


Sitio Web:


(800) 927-4357(HELP)



(800) 482-4833

Estado de California

Departamento de Vehículos y Motores

El Departamento de Vehículos y Motores de California (DMV) puede responder preguntas y proporcionar los formularios necesarios para ayudarle a reemplazar documentos como licencias de conducir, tarjetas de identificación, certificados de tarjetas de vehículos y certificados de título, que se perdieron debido al desastre. Sitio Web:




(800) 777-0133



(800) 735-2929/

(800) 368-4327

Las siguientes organizaciones brindan asistencia

para los residentes afectados por los incendios.

 Consulte el sitio web de ENLA para obtener una lista completa de organizaciones que pueden ayudar con una variedad de servicios, desde necesidades inmediatas hasta recuperación a largo plazo.


Emergency Network Los Angeles (ENLA)

ENLA representa una red de organizaciones sin fines de lucro que mejora y apoya la recuperación de las comunidades después de un incidente de emergencia.


Sitio web: Emergency Network Los Angeles (ENLA)

Acceso a organizaciones sin fines de lucro que ayudan a los residentes afectados por desastres.  Los servicios pueden variar desde ayuda humanitaria, planificación de respuesta a desastres, hasta programas de asistencia y recuperación a largo plazo.



Greater Los Angeles County

American Red Cross

Disponible 24 horas al día, 7 días a la semana

(800) 675-5799

So. Cal Division

The Salvation Army

Sitio Web:

(562) 264-3600

Tzu Chi Foundation


United Policy Holders

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